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Consume your Vitamin C

Consume your Vitamin C
Vitamin C is an essential nutrient required for the maintenance of healthy skin, and also helps protect cells against oxidative stress, which in turn provides protection against certain diseases, including cancer.

How much Vitamin C should we eat?

The recommended daily allowance of vitamin C for adults aged 19 and over is just 40mg per day, which you should be able to get from your diet through fruit and vegetables. Some vitamin C is lost when cooked due to being water-soluble. Raw fruit and vegetables will contain the most vitamin C but if you need to cook them at all then steaming appears to be the best method for retaining the most vitamin C.


Top foods highest in Vitamin C



One guava fruit contains 140% of the RDA of vitamin C 


A single kiwi contains just over 50% of the RDA of vitamin C

Bell pepper

Half a large green pepper will provide around 100% of the RDA of vitamin C and Half a large red pepper contains just over the RDA of vitamin C


A single orange contains 90% of your RDA as well as a good mix of vitamins and minerals


Just 7 strawberries will provide half of your RDA of vitamin C


Half a small papaya will easily give you the RDA of vitamin C required


A cupped handful of raw broccoli is about 80g and will provide just over half the RDA of vitamin C. If cooked, this drops to about 44mg per 80g serving as heat does destroy some of the vitamin C.


One large handful is about an 80g serving and will provide one third of the RDA of vitamin C.


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